CAD and Simulation

Surface Roughness Influence on UCN Transmission

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Aluminum is commonly used as vacuum separation foil in neutron guides and detectors. Due to its low surface potential neutrons with angular velocities down to 3m/s are passing the foil. However, according to Steyerl [1] neutron transmission is also affected by the surface roughness of the passed foil. The transmission decreases towards slow neutrons with […]


Guiding Ultracold Neutrons with polished steel guides and coated glass guides

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A commonly used material for UCN guiding is stainless steel ISO 1.4401 and 1.4404, due to its non magnetic, high stress resistance, availability and quite high neutron optical potential. Reducing losses and to minimize non-specular reflection they are highly polished to very low roughness far below the guided neutrons wavelength reaching a average transimission of […]